Initial Application Skills Bootcamps ADR

Applicant Details

Pathway Information

Add info regarding pathways

Driving Licence Information

What is a driving conviction?
Retrieve Driving Licence check code

Criminal Conviction Information

Employment Information

If you are progressing via your current employer we will contact them to arrange payment. Please provide the following details (Otherwise answer N/A)

If you are unemployed, or are seeking new employment whilst currently employed, please answer the following questions (Otherwise answer N/A)

Access to Technology

Skills Bootcamps pathways mean that you will have to join some online courses.  If you need assistance to access these types of courses, please let us know. 

Next Steps...

Once your application has been submitted, we will let you know if you are eligible and can join the pathway.  If you are eligible, next steps will include a driving licence check, a theory-based assessment, and an interview. 

Privacy Notices

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Learning Record Service Privacy Notice

Skills Bootcamp Privacy Notice & Q&A

Please set your password for PICS below. You will utilise this system throughout your Skills Bootcamps journey